Ephesians 1:1-14
QT today was about God's will in people's lives and how we/i view it.So what are our reactions to the will of One who is in control of all? i think it's nothing short of amazing to be within the plans of God, which, in my opinion, adds a certain security to life. I guess it's how people view it? hm. humanity in general wants a certain amount of control in their lives (having a will) to do what they want, go where they please, whenever they want, and i think a celestial entity who has His own plans is kind of like adding an element of the uncertainty? i think that it should be otherwise. i think that God is in fact an element of certainty in a very uncertain picture of life. why? well:
1. He is a loving God
2. He has our best interests at heart (something we may not fathom at times due to being IN the situation)
3. we were chosen by Him (ponder on what that means?)
The idea of free will is an interesting topic that ties in with predestination ie. how does it fit together? ponder that for another time.
I guess the question to ask is wether one feels that God's will is constraining or freeing? and if it is the former, then why? If God's will is just, unshakeable and certain, then regardless of how OUR plans turn out, perhaps it's time to remember that us, being such shortsighted beings and in fact, not really in control of most aspects in our life, find relief and rest that we are chosen by someone who is in control ALL things, especially someone who has "blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, and even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him." and whom "we have obtained an inheritance" in.
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